Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wishlist Decks Analyzed - Pt. 1

So since my last wish list I posted a few months ago i have actually purchased some! All but one have I done a review... wait... 3 things but one deck I haven't reviewed yet but those are coming! If you are interested in  the reviews I have posted videos on this blog or find me on YouTube as eliptica24.
Anyways, I really love thees decks from what I have seen from them and in this blog I will explain why for each one that draws me to them! I may break this blog down into parts so it isn't a novel!
Let's start!

The first deck on my list and that I am waiting to purchase both at the same time which will be a bit pricey is the Book of Shadows Tarot and the As Above and So Below Decks.

So these 2 decks as a set are gorgeous. What I like about them by just observing photos is that they are very balanced in the dark and light aspects. I actually take these decks above the Witches tarot in a closer association  with my own beliefs. They use the elements rather then the wands, swords, pentacles, and cups. They use different words for some of the major arcana as well. The detail of the imagery (and I am really strongly attuned to imagery with decks), go into so much detail that reading them and getting clear answers should be difficult to do. So that is my impression of this deck and why I want it.

The next deck I have on my list is Bohemian Gothic Tarot, 3rd edition.
This deck is very shadowy, and of course Gothic tones. The Gothic tones are not the leather and vinyl black dresses with black lipstick and dreadlocks Gothic, but a muted, sensual, old world vampiric feel of Gothic aspects. The colors are not bright, shadowy, with some hints of red etc. It looks to me that it would be a good deck to find issues with your shadow self, to address issues in relationships, and also hidden aspects of your sexuality. I am not sure if it is computer generated images but regardless, the detail in facial expressions are very exquisite. I also believe that it may have 2 different lovers cards? That or the image I saw showed it from two different versions, not sure though. But I am very in touch with Gothic and shadow aspects of myself so this is why this deck called me.

The next deck and the last one in this block I am reviewing is the Vampires Tarot of Eternal Night deck.

So it is no secret that I love vampires and anything dark. This deck is no exception. This deck has nudity which I really can appreciate in any deck and I think it give some rawness to any deck and easier at least for me to vibe with it. It shows some suggestively violent aspects so again this deck for me would be one to be used in shadow work or darker topics. I love the backing of the cards. That ruby like image will win me over on any deck because I have jewelry I have had since I was little that has always called to me so if I can find images like that, winning! LOL! But ya, if a back of a deck has a shitty image, I most likely won't get it just for that reason.

So that is the first part to this blog series! Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts!


  1. Ooh very nice! I am never sure about these modern decks, I feel like I need ones that are more "traditional" but the artwork is lovely :)

    1. For me it is less about the traditional meanings and all about the artwork because though there are cards that I will always have certain things associated with them such as 3 of swords (bad juju's), high priestess (mystery), and the fool (new beginnings), the overall image is what gives me the sense and vibe for who or what I am reading about. Thanks for commenting!
