Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

My Etsy Shop

So my etsy shop, which I will link below, is under construction. My goal is to have it up by the end of November. It will be doing tarot and oracle readings. I would  love it if you all would  follow it so when it reopens you will be the first to know! Thanks!

Under Cover Tarot - Shadow and Light First Impression

I apologize it's so shaky, for some reason the youtube video wasn't connecting so I had to use the unedited version of the video.

Opening Package from AlicetheRedRoseFairy! Oct 15, 2013

Rune Creation (Thoughts?) Oct 6, 2013

Pagans and Etsy, what motivates you? Sep 18, 2013

Being a Book Witch Isn't a Bad Thing! Sep 13, 2013

Spiritual Talk With Eliptica Aug 19, 2013

Ren. Faire Haul Aug 14, 2013

Rocks, Stones, and Other Stuff! (Help!) Jul 29, 2013

Review of Jenn Embers AKA ABroomandtheMoon Readings

Witch hazel/lavender bug spray tutorial Jun 14, 2013

Lavender Bath Salts Tutorial Jun 14, 2013

Emerald Spiral Expo Trip Mar 31, 2013

Older and Wiser? Or a Falacy? Mar 21, 2013

Blog on June 3, 2013

We Smell Change...

In the past year, year and a half, I have gone through a pretty major shift in many ways. First is spiritual. For a very long time I have been atheist then for the past couple years, I have been agnostic, due to my strong ability to be a skeptic to the deterrent to being open to things. I have gone and involved myself a little bit lately in the metaphysical stuff. I probably am best fit under pagan, without deities. 
Another thing that has changed is my ability to control my anger/uncontrolled responses that used to be caused by provocation as most of you know, you poke me in a certain way big or small, you will get every clear reaction from me. When it comes to petty arguments, I am now able to shut them down and walk away almost all the time now. I used to feel the need to fight everything just for the sake of it. It is every unnecessary act that just drains me. 
I barely cry. Grief is the biggest trigger for me, understandably, but crying over anger is extremely rare. It is a waste of energy and again, just a drain on me. Not to mention headache giver of epic proportions. Now some may say not crying is unhealthy, but it is not the fact I am holding back, it is just that I haven't felt the need to. 
This correlates with the next change. My chronic depression and mood issues. I have felt very "base" for quite some time now.Depression associated with my family who has passed is not the depression that has dogged me my whole life. I have carried a lot of frustration, bitter anger,and self loathing most of my life for various reasons from me being blind, to how I have been treated by a certain family member since practically birth, to how I have been used/abused (no not physically), way beyond what most people have experienced. Though I have moments where if I talk about certain people or experiences, oh ya I get worked up, but I am able to not have these things affect my daily life anymore. Which is a big step. 
Letting go and moving forward basically has been my thing. I have lost people I used to be best friends with by choice or by fate, but have gained healthier and even some more fulfilling relationships with the"newer" friends I have gained. Or the rekindling of very old friendships. Some of these people have made all the difference in the world tome, you know who you are :). 
Losing my grandparents started a ball rolling about living life without regrets, or moving on from the things that were not worth living in.Losing my cousin so violently, really kicked it into my head how short life can be. Telling those you love, even if you don't get along, that you love them and care for them regardless if they are jackasses lol, is absolutely necessary.His loss in particular gave me a better view on life and how the small thing scan be the most important and to take advantage in a positive way every opportunity you are given. I feel very lucky I was able to speak to grandparents days before their passing and to let them know I loved them, and to hug my cousin and tell him I loved him again, days before he passed. It gives me solace to know they knew I cared.
I still have things to work on, as we all do. My communication skills certainly are my biggest issues when interacting with others. How some may perceive my actions or words may not be what I intended. Working has given me a better outlook on my own ways of communicating and also has helped me grow in ways I couldn't have if I hadn't gotten out of this house and found productive opportunity.

Anyways, this is insanely long and I doubt most will bother reading any of this. But those who do, thank you.

Blog on February 11, 2013

It’s fing with my mind man! Not really.

So I just made an update but I have been thinking on other stuff a lot today. So I e-met someone who my sister and other personal friends know personally. I talked to her and she is a reiki healer so I have asked many questions of her and such.
I have started studying my tarot cards and their meanings and how they are spread, FINALLY after so many years. LOL!
I am educating myself about crystals, energy stuff, and a bunch of metaphysical things. I find the stuff so interesting. 
The only contrary thing about it though is that my natural skepticism makes me question all of it :/ So though I am educating myself on all these topics and more, and I really enjoy the idea of all of it, I still have the lil skeptic on my shoulder squawking that it isn’t real, it is a scam, blah blah blah.
So I need to focus on this more to make a full decision of either going in head first or drop it for good.

Introduction to My Renewed Blog!

This was originally a generic review blog that I really didn't feel a calling for. There was little in my mind to review that was something unique to anyone reading. So, I scrapped those posts.
This blog will now be strictly about tarot and divination (maybe pagan things) tools, books, decks, etc. I love these things and though I have only been doing tarot and divination for less then a year, and finally coming out as a pagan/witch this year as well, these are aspects of my life and topics of interest I have always been drawn to my entire life.
So this blog will have videos, written blogs, photos, etc. that will be based on the above listed. I hope some of you will be interested in following my journey!
The first couple posts will be older blogs posted elsewhere and videos from my YouTube channel that fall under this category.
Thank you for your time reading and accepting my journey as something interesting to follow! ☺