Monday, December 12, 2016

Winding Down

A lot of people know they have a trigger point that they start "winding up" with anger,  anxiety, or even excitement. Everyone has a different level thy need to reach before that tips the scales from control to out of control emotionally.
I was thinking about this earlier. I am well known to wind up easily over things and it is kind of a joke with some of my close friends to see how quickly I can flip that switch. When I feel misunderstood and the other person or people aren't getting it is a big trigger for being wound up. I also get hyper focused on anxiety issues that is extremely difficult to come down from and is probably one of my biggest struggles.
The best way to put that in check as quickly as possible is to know what triggers it and to be self aware enough to realize and catch yourself when you are starting that slippery slope down the rabbit hole. For me with my anxiety wind up, if I catch myself thinking over the same things multiple times, I give myself a mental slap and actively do or think of something else to make that issue slowly decompress out of my system.
Your homework this week is to identify a trigger for a wind up and also to identify what works in letting that air out of the balloon of emotions that you are struggling with not winding up over. Have a great week!


  1. great information regarding how to wind down after you have stared to wind up. I have to usually state affirmations regarding the situation and how it will work out. Also I talk to myself and really focus on how things are as they should be and what can I work with at this very moment in time. Great post.

    1. thanks :) I don't talk out loud to myself but I have a hamster in my head that repeats the same info constantly.

  2. I'm a born worrier, I'm also an empath, so I cxan take things to heart, I have to try and give myself practical talk too

    1. I am an empath too so I think it is something a lot of us deal with.

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I think a lot of individual will find your personal insight helpful as I feel that our current society is full of things that make people anxious and quick to wind up over.

  4. Really great thoughts, Tara. Knowing our triggers is such a huge step in being able to deal with them.
