Monday, November 21, 2016

Externalizing the Internal

Most of us have a public persona, conscious or not, and a private one. We act, look, and sound a bit or a lot different when we leave the home. We are one way at work, another way at home, another way out with friends, and another way when we are around people we don't like. We like to come off certain ways in front of certain people. Perfectly normal behavior.
For me, I like the have my outside match my insides and how I feel most regularly. Some people like to put on a mask so people perceive them a certain way. I feel this can be very constricting on one's self expression and holding them back from full potential because not only are you holding back what you may see as a negative, but most likely many strengths you have as well.
This weekend I decided to make my outside more attuned to how I have been feeling lately which has been more energetic and fun. So I dyed my hair with blue and pinkish-red in the front. Some say that because I am a grown woman and a mother and a wife that I should have grown out of that. I say hogwash. "Do you boo." That is a motto I have been living by this year. I feel more myself looking like this then I do when I have natural hair or professionally styled hair. I feel right.
Now this isn't to say everyone needs to go out and do something as dramatic with their looks but more of a sense that say, when you choose your clothes and you shake your head at an outfit you initially want to wear but then talk yourself out of, is something that most experience and can understand. Wear that outfit! Be authentically you!
Want to look funky one day? Do it! Want to look like a librarian the next? Do it! I understand some workplaces have limitations but there are always ways of getting your energy attuned even there. With jewelry especially. Even if it is hidden under a shirt, you know it is there, and that energy is still real.
So your task for this week is to wear or do something to your looks that you have been wanting to do but you keep talking yourself out of. It doesn't have to be permanent since we are ever changing beings. Enjoy!


  1. Love this thought. Love that you did what you felt was right for you.

  2. I love to switch my style around, I don't fit to one thing, a few weeks ago my hair was bright pink, now its full on blonde, be you and shines true

    1. No one really can be put into one box. We are dynamic people ya know? Definitely do what you feel is best for you and not for what others want.
