Wednesday, November 2, 2016

music Moves Me

Most of us, spiritual or not, enjoy listening to music. Music pulls a variety of emotions from us depending on the style. From soothing relaxing energies to getting hyped up and pumped. Each person reacts differently to different styles.
For me, I may get pumped by pop-rock/rock fast paced music and am relaxed listening to dark moody alternative music. Whereas someone else may get pumped listening to techno and relax to classical. Same things apply to negative reactions to music. I generally can't listen to traditional country music because it agitates my ears. Where as for some listening to rap or rock does the same.
Music is great motivator and inspiration. As I stated about being pumped listening to some music, it can have the affect of getting one up and going as well. This is why people listen to music while cleaning, exercising, and even doing something in the arts like writing. I can't write without listening to music.
It also inspires me by what is sung, the tone of the music, and the energy it exudes. For example, I may be writing a really tense argument in my novel so I will probably choose to listen to something subtly aggressive and rock to get that energy in my veins and onto the paper.
When it comes to spirituality, many think you have to listen to specifically spiritual music to get a spiritual affect. This is incorrect. I personally don't like spiritually based music and it is distracting if I use it during spiritual times I need music. I tend to use traditional Asian music and singing or very avaunt-guard alternative music when I am practicing my spirituality. Others definitely find music that is meant to be spiritual, their bag to do with what they will.
Every one's tastes are different and everyone uses music in different ways in their life. Some may have it as a background noise to their life where others have it as a major part to theirs.

Your task this week is to take a half hour of time to yourself and listen to different styles of music. Determine what emotions or energies they pulls from you and see how that can correspond into activities for the rest of the week. You may be surprised on how much it can affect your activity level, moods, and productivity!

Note: This week, my motivating music is the artist Banks: album The alter.
My relaxing music choice is by Jose Gonzalez: album In our Nature.

And my spiritual music is by Fever Ray: album Fever Ray.


  1. Loving this blog post, I love to listen to music to evoke different emotions

    1. Thank you :) Music is my life. It has been a part of my earliest memories and activities. From remember seventies song (being played in the eighties) at xmas parties when I was a baby, to being in dance and choir through my childhood to adolesence. It is definitely something that has had a significant impact.
