Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tarot Challenge - Wk 1: Day 1 ~ Kali

To start off I am doing a daily (work week) card pull, each week using a different deck. The way I will be doing this is that at the end of the day I will pull a card to review how it applied to my day and what I can learn from it moving forward.

Monday I got the Kali card...

For me, I had an incident with a family member where it was very hurtful and I had put a lot of energy to make it a good relationship but this person is sick (I think cause logical explanations don't make sense).

This has made me see that my instincts are right, yesterday was just recovering emotionally and this card does tell me what I already knew. That I need to move on so it opens up space for new people and things in my life. This relationship had no steady foundation and was always difficult to try to stay even civil (no reason behind it just in the person's word, very different personality). Though I love this person, I don't like them and I am done putting my emotions and energy out since it is never reciprocated.

Kali has actually been on my mind a lot and I may end up doing more research and have her as a goddess of mine in the future, but for this challenge, I definitely respect that she is the destroyer but that in destroying, it brings new light. 

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