Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Please take a look!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

My opinions on pot

So, POT. Now that I am no longer working I feel less paranoid, haha, to talk about it. So, as everyone knows WA and CO are pot states. Great! Here is my thoughts on pot.
It tastes like ass, really gross with a hint of mint. I know 99 percent of people I know on here have at least tried it once. LOL John excluded, he cracks me up. He has my opinion on it but never tried it. 
So that being said, I support medical mj and the right of anyone of a legal age with the understanding of how and what it is and affects you.
Do I think teens should smoke it? No, their brains havent finished developing yet and there is some proof that it does stunt mental growth in teens who do it regularly.
I know many who are functional "potheads" who do it daily either for medical or recreational experiences. I think if you can do your shit then go for it. Do I think you hsould drive regardless of how long you have smoked? Not really, its imo like drinking, a beer you may be fine but who knows?
I personally don't like pot because of the taste and also I can't handle smoking it. I have bad anxiety attacks with it. Edibles are perfectly finef or me tho how anyone chooses to eat it baffles me lol!
Pot does help my pain, not as much as pills do but enough where I can function and overall healthier then any pill for pain.
I guess what I am saying is that do I support pot use in adults who are responsible and are able to function normally on it and for medical reasons as well? sure!
Sadly though in my observations, a lot of people i grew up with smoked it recreationally and were completely lumps on a stump and that is when I don't support it. That and teens really shouldn't do it. Try it once or twice? sure whatever we all experimented to an extent with drugs, but overall, the use of it, abuse of it i dont support.
everything good can be bad when used inappropriately.
...yup dunno where that came from but thought i would share my thoughts on it.